Friday, June 12, 2009

More Pool Bar Nonsense

So another round of happy hour hilarity and hijinx took place last week at the Pool Bar, part of which featured their new bar-food offering -- miniburgers. While Matchbox supposedly has the best miniburgers in town, that place is too trendy for Choke on This to review and Pool Bar's burgers served the purpose. Nothing really stood out as far as their taste, but the buns were different. It looks like they just took some stale sandwich slices from the back and pressed an upside down water glass on them to cut out the circles. Well, it was a good idea. Some places have too high a bun-to-hamburger ratio, which strikes an imbalance from enjoying, but pool bar got away with it. Think about it -- buns can be the Goldilocks of the miniburger. Too much bun, too soft a bun, stale bun, not enough bun coverage. There are lots of issues when it comes to the miniburger bun, but pool bar made lemonade (bun tops) from lemons (old sandwich slices) and that puts them in the "win" column from we here at COT. The fries were an afterthought. Not bad, but an afterthought.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Domino, motherf*cker!

I was all like THAT after I tried this (if you didn't get the Boyz n The Hood ref, there's no way we can be friends). This, the Ham Philly. And you can get it...somewhere in DC. I don't even think this establishment has a name, but the address is 1220 L Street, N.W.

The Ham Philly is deli sliced ham, fried up with green peppers, onions, cheese, and (wait for it...) - yes, bacon. SwineApoolooza, indeed. Oh, there's also the lettuce, tomato and - if you're so inclined - mayo (I am not).

Don't let the picture fool you, this is nothing like that half-digested sub your dog threw up last night. It looks like a mess, because it is. But it's also delicious. Not good for you, but good for lunch. And about $10 cheaper than a crap flatbread sandwich from Cosi - which will never have it's food reviewed here. Ever.

Where was I?

Ah, yes. Green peppers and onions: crispy, crunchy and tasty. Ham and bacon: like ham and bacon (awesome!) and made much better because of the grilling. Cheese: necessary and delightful. Lettuce and tomato: meh. Next time: no lettuce. Overall: very good, and would get it again (and again).

What's that you say, Furious? You don't dig the swine?

STFU and just fix my damn fade, pop.

Doughboy approves, G