Friday, July 10, 2009

Yung Gai Pro Prik


The picture should've been taken before I added the rice. Would've been better that way, and...whoa!

Wait. Just. A. Minute.

That title up there doesn't look right, does it? Oh, it's not. Looks like a Craig's List ad for a Bangkok Sex Tour.

That should actually read Gai Prik Prow. To keep it simple, let's just call it #35. In Engrish...(ahem) - in E-N-G-L-I-S-H - it's actually "Chicken stir-fried with onions in chili paste sauce".

Sorry, my (Mai!? - the hits, they just keep comin') Thai is a little rusty, so I don't know which of these correspond to the "Gai", "Prik" or "Prow" parts. That's for another time and Rosetta Stone.

So anyway, the lunch dish was good, and ordered with "medium" spiciness, there was a little kick. Normally, the order would've been placed with the max spiciness - or close to it - but this is all going down during work hours.

Let's just say that some of us would prefer not to have to excuse ourselves during a powerpoint presentation, because we're doubled-over with Thai spice-induced abdominal pain.

Makes us wonder if we'll truly understand the Eastern mind, or its lower GI.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

This Made My Friend Sick

WTF?! Doesn't anyone visit this site? What are we doing this for? Our health?

So much for thinking it's great to be back after an inexplicable hiatus. No reason...just didn't update the blog for awhile. That's all.

Anyway, the wings pictured above - yes - made my friend sick.

Well, not exactly. This was my plate of wings from the Hilton Garden Inn happy hour in DC, where they were also half-price. They didn't make me sick, but this friend was bitching about his plate of wings way before they came back up this morning - mostly undigested, no less. Nancyboy.

Anyway, the wings were kind of deep fried, but the coating wasn't crunchy at all, really. They weren't hot, spice-wise. The taste wasn't bad. They just kinda made me feel like, well, meh. At least they didn't make me sick.

Will we go back? Most likely not. For all my friend's shortcomings, at least he's a learning creature. Besides, I might not be so lucky next time, I mean, if there was one. A next time, that is.